
The Lard Factor Lanham's Parametric Method Circle the prepositions Circle the "is" forms Find the real action Put the action in simple (not compound) active verb Get the sentence moving fast Steve Turley's PhD Thesis Abstract An absolute measurement of the 16 O(𝛾,p) 15 N differential cross section for an incident photon energy of 200 MeV was made at the M.I.T. Bates Linear Accelerator. Measurements were made at proton angles of 20°, 30°, 50°, 70°, 90°, and 100°. Cross sections for the process leaving the residual 15 N nucleus in its ground state as well as information about the reactions leading to excited states have been extracted. The ground state differential cross section has been integrated to obtain a total cross section at this energy. Student Astronomy Example So much in astronomy depends upon accurate distance measurements to objects seen in the sky. The most accurate methods involve measuring the motion of a star in the sky due to the earth’s revolution ar